
Jen Heilman is a Lifestyle Mentor, an Intuitive Coach, a #1 Best Selling Author and a Feng Shui NINJA on a mission to help you create the life you want... 

She teaches women how to move beyond their self-doubt into an empowered state of being.

Clarity becomes clear and constant. Energy levels are rich and always on high. Inspired action is leading the way...and personal growth and results are just simply...expected. 

That's what living empowered and in the flow creates...Pure Magic...Pure Happiness.

I love Feng Shui!

I love the magic it brings into my life and I love helping people re-discover this magic in their own lives. I believe everyone can benefit from this ancient art so I've done my best to put my own approachable spin on it and make it feel more relatable for people just like you.

I've discovered that the concepts of Feng Shui don't just apply to your HOME...

but they can be applied to EVERY part of your life.

When we look at your home through your new found Feng Shui lens we can easily see where you are currently struggling in your life. We can easily pin point exactly where you are feeling blocked, stuck and resistant to the freedoms that life is so willing to offer...if we can just get past our sneaky self-limiting beliefs.

You see, what I've discovered is that you are subconsciously setting up your space, home, and office to support your negative patterns and your limiting beliefs.

I know, right?!

Why the heck would you do that??

The most honest answer is:

Because it feels SAFE... it's what you know...it's what you've been TOLD and it's what you BELIEVE to be true.

Have you ever wondered why every time you attempt to step out of your comfort zone,

in the hopes of propelling yourself forward in life...

all that AMAZING ENERGY and intention for change seems to hold for a bit...

and then slowly, slowly you slip back into the norm of "before"?

It's because you're living in a "Den of LIMITS"

 YOU ARE LITERALLY SURROUNDING yourself every single day with "PROOF" that you are not worthy of love, money, success, freedom, ease...

These deeply ingrained thoughts and beliefs are LIVING with you in your home.

They show up in the form of clutter, blockages and voids among other things...

Which reflect resistance, stuck-ness and struggle in your life.

Your life and home is a big ole mirror

of your prescribed LEVEL of happiness, fulfillment, and success...

The good news is

you have the ability to RAISE those  LEVEL'S to magical proportions

and to live out your life with new found purpose, pleasure, prosperity, peace and passion.


You just need to recognize the deeply desired need for this transformation...

and then decide to START.

TODAY is a new day.

Let's Begin.


For me, Feng Shui has brought clarity, connection and inspiration back into my life.


My son was born with a severe, life threatening, heart defect...the doctors conveyed that without a series of reconstructive surgeries he would not survive childhood.

In the early days of his life we were faced with the shattering reality that we could lose him. My story became one of tightly tethered devotion and an unshakable fear. My focus was completely absorbed in the fragileness of his life...and as a natural result...I lost touch with everything that was uniquely mine. 


My son truly is a miracle and at 11 years old he is thriving...in fact, the whole Heilman Household is thriving...in the most amazing ways.

But my personal path to recovery, which has radiated out to everyone in my family, didn’t begin until the beauty of Feng Shui was magically dropped in my lap. A divine intervention if you will...and I thank the Universe and it's knowing power everyday for it.

I was completely captivated and absorbed by this new and profound practice called Feng Shui; it truly spoke to a deeper knowing inside of me. It was exactly what I needed. I began to experiment with the principles and to my delight the Universe responded by fulfilling my requests.  

Feng Shui opened up and ignited a sense of inspiration and connection that I hadn't felt in years and...

I began to SEE my true self reappear.

The results have been so amazing that it has become my mission to help soul-centered, family motivated, home loving, impact making women, just like you, use the amazingly effective methods of Feng Shui to guide, empower, propel and inspire their lives and the lives of everyone around them as they step into the LIGHT of their own power, purpose and success.

Read more of my story and the expansiveness and miracles that Feng Shui has brought into my life in this beautiful book...available RIGHT HERE!

Best Selling Author!  My story and 19 other amazing WOMEN WHO INSPIRE! Available on Amazon!

Best Selling Author!  My story and 19 other amazing WOMEN WHO INSPIRE! Available on Amazon!

She’s legit: the credentials

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  • Best Selling Author
  • Graduated from Vermont Technical College with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Architecture and Building Engineering Technology. 
  • Transferred to Montana State University and received a Bachelor of Arts degree inInterior Design.
  • Graduated from the Sheffield School of Interior Design, with a Certificate of Graduation in Feng Shui Interior Design. 
  • 2 decades of architecture and interior design experience
  • 10 years of Feng Shui Expertise


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